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Information Communications Technology (ICT) is a key enabler of a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable world in the aftermath of one of the most serious economic crises in decades. The Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011 highlights the key role of ICT as an enabler of a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable world. The 10th anniversary edition of the report covers 138 economies worldwide and focuses on ICT’s power to transform society in the next decade through modernization and innovation. Nordic countries are again ranked high in the Global Information Technology Report. With Sweden in 1st place, Finland in 3rd, Denmark in 7th and Norway in 9th place, the report confirms the leadership of the Nordic countries in adopting and implementing ICT advances for increased growth and development. The report notes that the European Union in general has experienced extraordinary growth in broadband roll-out and uptake in the last decade. The Networked Readiness Index (NRI) featured in the report examines how prepared countries are to use ICT effectively on three dimensions: the general business, regulatory and infrastructure environment for ICT; the readiness of the three key societal actors - individuals, businesses and governments - to use and benefit from ICT; and their actual usage of available ICT. For the second year in a row, Sweden tops the NRI thanks to an outstanding performance across the board. The country ranks 1st in 12 of the 71 indicators composing the NRI and within the top 10 in a further 35. Sweden offers one of the best climates for technological adoption and innovation. Penetration of new technologies is among the densest in the world, with over 90 percent of the population using the Internet on a regular basis. Finland moves up three positions and is in 3rd place with a consistently outstanding performance, featuring in the top 10 of eight pillars. Besides the Nordics and Switzerland, the Netherlands (11th), Germany (13th), Luxembourg (14th), the United Kingdom (15th), and France (20th) rank among the most networked economies worldwide. Out of the new member states, first in the table are Estonia (26), Malta (27) and Cyprus (31). The full report is available at the World Economic Forum website. To find out more about the Information Society projects funded by the INTERREG IVC programme, please visit our Project Idea Database.   Source:

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