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News [ Programme ]4th EU Interregional Cooperation Forum report now availableAlmost 500 people, from all over Europe, came to Budapest on 3-4 February 2010 to find out about the latest developments in the INTERREG IVC programme and develop partnerships for the next call. [ Programme ]FAQ section updatedNearing the close of the fourth call, the FAQ section has been updated with more common questions. In particular, a new section onquestions specific to the application process has been added. Applicants should find many answers to their questions here. > Homepage > 4th Interregional Cooperation Forum report available now 4th Interregional Cooperation Forum report available now Almost 500 participants, from more than 28 countries, took part in the 4th EU Interregional Cooperation (Part of the C strand of the ETC (as well as of the former Interreg III Community Initiative), its aim is to promote exchange and transfer of knowledge and best ...) Forum, Budapest, on 3-4 February 2011. The forum, organised by the INTERREG IVC programme and the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, was aimed at informing the participants on the latest developments in the programme, and providing opportunities for networking and partner search for those developing cooperation projects. EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, and President of the Committee of the Regions, Mercedes Bresso, were both present to open the proceedings. Over two days, panel discussions from regions and cities currently cooperating, alongside workshops and presentations from INTERREG IVC staff, provided a full spectrum of possible results and outcomes due to interregional cooperation. Networking was facilitated by a unique device called 'Spotme', allowing participants to find easily those from a particular region or theme that they were interested in. Almost 2500 contact details were exchanged using this device.      Toolbox

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